What We Do


What we do

  • Lead collaboration and knowledge exchange between researchers, health and medical professionals, regional cancer services, consumers and their communities
  • Leverage and strengthen existing research capacity and opportunities for research engagement in regional NSW
  • Contribute to scientific and clinical evidence informed by regional perspectives
  • Assist locally informed research to address areas of need in regional cancer care
  • Provide regional leadership in state and national cancer research and health policy
  • provide specialised research support to Network members. 


How we are doing it

  • Rolling out our virtual collaboration platform to facilitate engagement and knowledge exchange between health and medical professionals, researchers, regional cancer services and consumers.
  • Implementing a survey of the 'Research Capacity and Culture' across partner LHDs to develop a baseline understanding of individual regional research environments and capabilities, and identify local clinical research and capacity building priorities
  • Providing funding and professional research support for small regional research projects and initiatives within our partner LHDs and regional cancer services 
  • Implementing research enabling and capacity building initiatives designed to increase locally informed research activities led by clinicians and healthcare workers in our Network
  • Identifying, connecting with, and building on existing research capacity building activities offered within the Network
  • Implementing a large collaborative research initiative spanning all partner LHD cancer services that will deliver improve outcomes to people living with cancer in regional communities
  • Working with our partners, end-users and government to increase regional representation on relevant State and Federal government advisory groups and clinical peak bodies related to cancer services and cancer research
  • Contributing to State and Federal policy discussions cancer services and cancer research through coordinated submissions to consultations.