What We Do


What we do

  • Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing between researchers, healthcare professionals, regional cancer services, patients, and their communities, ensuring that regional voices and experiences are at the forefront of cancer care improvements
  • Strengthen and enhance existing research capabilities in regional NSW, creating more opportunities for local participation in cutting-edge cancer research
  • Contribute to the development of scientific and clinical evidence that reflects the unique challenges and needs of regional communities, ensuring that research outcomes are relevant and impactful
  • Support research initiatives that are driven by local insights, addressing critical gaps in cancer care and improving health outcomes for regional populations
  • Provide leadership in shaping state and national cancer research and health policies, advocating for the needs and priorities of regional NSW
  • Offer specialised research support to Network members, empowering them to conduct high-quality, regionally focused research that benefits their communities


How we are doing it

  • Hosting a virtual collaboration platform to enhance engagement and knowledge sharing among healthcare professionals, researchers, regional cancer services, and individuals affected by cancer
  • Conducting a comprehensive survey on the 'Research Capacity and Culture' across partner Local Health Districts (LHDs) to gain insight into the current regional research environment and identify local priorities for clinical research and capacity building
  • Providing funding and expert research support for smaller, regionally focused research projects and initiatives within partner LHDs and regional cancer services
  • Implementing initiatives designed to foster research capacity, encouraging locally informed research efforts led by clinicians and healthcare professionals across the Network
  • Identifying and expanding upon existing research capacity-building activities within the Network to strengthen regional research capabilities
  • Launching a large-scale, collaborative research project across all partner LHD cancer services, aimed at improving outcomes for people affected by cancer in regional communities
  • Collaborating with partners, end-users, and government bodies to enhance regional representation on key State and Federal advisory groups and clinical organisations related to cancer services and research
  • Contributing to national and state-level policy discussions on cancer services and research through coordinated responses and submissions to government consultations