Clinician Research Fellowship Scheme
Purpose of the Fellowship Scheme
The purpose of the Clinician Research Fellowship scheme is to build translational cancer research by increasing research capacity and capability across the geographical area covered by the Central Coast, Hunter New England, Mid-North Coast and Northern NSW Local Health District boundaries.
This scheme is aimed at supporting regional clinical staff to undertake translational cancer research within their own institution and to contribute to the wider goals of the Network.
Applicants must:
- Be a NSW Regional Cancer Research Network member, click here to join.
- Be engaged in any form of health care delivery.
- Currently hold, and hold for the duration of the Fellowship, an appointment at a LHD or institution within one of the Network’s four LHD areas where the project will be undertaken. Please note that the use of ‘LHD’ in this instance denotes the geographical boundaries of the Network. Applicants do not need to be employed by an LHD to apply.
- Provide evidence from the relevant Director of Department of the employing institution stating support for the applicant to engage in the research outlined in this application (e.g. letter of support).
- Applications must be endorsed by the authorised delegate of the Host Institution where the research project will be undertaken (only if different from the applicant’s current employing institution).
Research Objectives
The Clinician Research Fellowship award will include support for an NSW regional translational cancer research project. Applicants must describe how the research project’s findings will translate into clinical practice for rapid impact on cancer treatment, outcomes or service delivery.
Research proposals must outline a research project described in plain language for review by a cross-section of the community that:
- Addresses a current and relevant issue in cancer diagnosis, treatment, or care.
- Can demonstrate alignment with the Cancer Institute NSW’s ‘Overriding Principles’, and ‘Priorities’ as outlined in the NSW Cancer Plan.
- Can be completed within a 12-month timeframe, in alignment with the available support.
- Note: Proposals that address current issues in cancer diagnosis, treatment, or care specific to regional, rural or remote communities are strongly encouraged. Additionally, proposals submitted by applicants from the Central Coast, Mid-North Coast, and Northern NSW regions are also strongly encouraged.
Expected Outcomes
Fellowships supported by this scheme are expected to deliver improved outcomes and or service delivery, including:
- Improved cancer outcomes in NSW regional communities that continue to have poorer outcomes, with a focus on achieving equitable outcomes for Aboriginal communities and other groups of people within NSW that are disproportionately affected by cancer.
- Reduced risk of preventable cancers for people in NSW regional communities
- Increased one- and five- year survival of regional NSW residents with cancer.
- Increased collection and use of people’s reported experience and outcomes to improve care and services.
Support Available
The Clinician Research Fellowship award is a maximum of $100,000 for 12 months. Funding is permitted a maximum of 0.8 FTE salary costs of the Fellow (if required) and direct research costs (salary and/or non-salary) as outlined in a budget submission.
In addition, the Network will provide access to a Senior Research Partner (SRP) who can provide support in developing and implementing the research project and assist fellowship recipients in achieving their research goals and maximising the impact of their projects will be available to support successful applicants. Learn more about the
professional research support options offered to our members within the Network.
Application Process*
*Note: Application submissions will not be accepted until the scheme has formally opened.
Applications will be reviewed by an independent selection panel, comprising representatives from across the Partner orgnaisations.
- Application - Includes: research proposal, budget, endorsement from Director of Department & Host Institution
- Panel review and outcome - Includes: evaluation by independent review panel
The evaluation criteria are:
- Skills and experience to successfully undertake the Fellowship 10%
- Evidence of a suitable and supportive research environment 10%
- Quality and feasibility of the research proposal 40%
- Alignment of the application to the expected outcomes Clinician Research Fellowship scheme 30%
- Potential to build research capacity and create wider opportunities for research engagement in regional and rural NSW
To build translational cancer research capacity across the four LHD areas, priority will be given to research projects in LHDs that have not previously received this funding. Please note that the use of ‘LHD’ in this instance denotes the geographical boundaries of the grant. Applicants do not need to be employed by an LHD to apply.
Need help preparing your application?
We're here to assist you! The NSWRCRN will be hosting a zoom drop in session offering an overview and guidance on the scheme on Monday 4 March at 1.00pm . Please email to register.
Additionally, Network members have the option to submit a direct request for professional research support through our online platform. Our experienced team of Senior Research Partners will contact you and can provide assistance in developing and refining your application.
Funding Conditions
Grants administration
The NSW Regional Cancer Research Network Clinician Research Fellowship scheme is funded by a Cancer Institute NSW Translational Cancer Research Capacity Building Grant administered by the University of Newcastle. The successful applicant’s employer (or Host Institution for the research project) will be required to enter into a funding agreement with the University of Newcastle for access to funds.
Use of funds
The use of research funds must be consistent with the terms of the Cancer Institute NSW Competitive Grants Agreement. This includes that funds awarded cannot be used for any purposes associated with basic (e.g., desk, stationery, phone etc.) or overhead infrastructure costs (i.e., institutional overheads or administrative levies). Funds should not be used to support research conducted outside of NSW. Equipment is not eligible to be funded under this scheme.
The Host Institution must not use the funds for any purpose other than the conduct of the fellowship for which the funds were provided. Any unspent funds at the end of the funding period must be returned to the Network within one month of the final report being submitted.
Commencement date
Successful applicants must commence the award by 1 July 2024.
Funding period
12 months from commencement date.
Reporting requirements
Fellows will be required to:
- Present progress at Network and/or NSWRHP’s events, when requested, to share your work or experience for the benefit of other members.
- Post quarterly updates on the project via the Network’s virtual collaboration platform.
- Provide a brief quarterly update via email on project achievements and impact, research outputs, and other funding awarded
- Provide a final written report (on a provided template), including a financial acquittal statement, required by the Network to fulfil its obligations to the Cancer Institute NSW. Certified by the Fellow, Director of Department (or equivalent), and Host Institution.
Fellows will be required to acknowledge support from the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network and Cancer Institute NSW and its funding in any public statements about the grant including any public announcements, advertising material, websites, reports, or other material produced for/by the grantee. Please refer to the Cancer Institute NSW’s Communicating Cancer Institute Funding and Guidance to funding acknowledgement for further information and instructions.
Fellows are requested to notify the Network of any upcoming presentations they will make about their project prior to the presentation, to enable the Network the opportunity to promote and attend the event, if appropriate.
Key Dates
Applications open
1 February 2024
Applications close
Notification of outcomes
By 1 May 2024
Commencement of Fellowship
By 1 July 2024
Final report and acquittal statement
1 month after completion
Download Application Form
Download Guidelines
Enquiries can be submitted by email to: