

Announcing our successful 2024 Research Starter Grants

By NSW Regional Cancer Research Network (NSWRCRN) posted 27-06-2024 11:41 AM


The NSW Regional Cancer Research Network is pleased to announce the successful recipients of the 2024 Research Starter Grants. These grants are designed to grow research capacity and capabilities within the Network’s footprint by supporting new and emerging researchers, including medical and health professionals, to undertake translational cancer research projects. The Research Starter Grants scheme, funded through a Translational Cancer Research Capacity Building Grant from the Cancer Institute NSW, seeks to support building new research capacity and growing research experience across northern NSW – in the areas included in the Central Coast, Hunter New England, Mid-North Coast, and Northern NSW Local Health Districts.

Each recipient will receive support of up to $30,000 for a NSW regional translational cancer research project that addresses a current and relevant issue in cancer diagnosis, treatment, or care.

Congratulations to the recipients of the Research Starter Grants:

Melissa Carlson, University of Newcastle. Project: Characterising the Role and Impact of Brain Cancer Care Coordinators in Australian Brain Cancer Care Centres

Shyam Gangadharan, Calvary Mater Hospital, Newcastle. Project: Investigating blood biomarkers for early cancer detection in patients with stroke of unknown cause

Rebecca Griffiths, Tamworth Hospital, Hunter New England Local Health District. Project: Examining the treatment trajectories of pancreatic cancer patients in a rural/regional/remote area

Benjamin Reardon, Calvary Mater Hospital, Newcastle. Project: Evaluating and improving the uptake of 'OPtimal care Pathways' - the OPS project

Rachel Taylor, University of Newcastle. Project: Dietary management of coeliac disease for cancer prevention: qualitative study

Sharon Wong, University of Newcastle. Project: Personalised Nanomedicine for Lung Cancer Treatment

