

Calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for ‘Shovel-Ready’ translational research projects

By NSW Regional Cancer Research Network (NSWRCRN) posted 10-02-2023 10:27 AM


The NSW Regional Cancer Research Network is now calling for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for ‘Shovel-Ready’ translational research projects.

“Shovel-ready” refers to projects that are ready to commence or are in the late-stages of development and can commence in a short timeframe. 

EOI applications that align with the priorities of the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network and meet the eligibility criteria will be invited provide further detail on the proposed project for assessment.

The ‘Shovel Ready’ NSW Regional Cancer Research Grants scheme will provide funding support of up to $50,000 p.a. for up to 3 years..  Projects must be ready to commence by no later than 30 June 2023. Renewal of funding for years two and three will be based on annual outcomes and review of progress. 

To directly build capacity and expertise in leading regional cancer research projects, successful EOI applicants will have access to support from the Network Program Team. Support will include assistance with preparation of full funding applications, and if funded: preparation of ethics, safety and governance applications, assistance with appointment of research staff, accessing specialised research support (ie: statistics, health research economics, evaluation) and execution of research contracts/agreements.   

This call for EOIs for projects will remain open until 30 May 2023 or until the Network’s allocation of 2022/23 funding for this initiative has been allocated. 

Submissions of EOIs will only be accepted through the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network’s online platform.

NSW Regional Cancer Research Network (

Research Priorities of the ‘Shovel-Ready’ NSW Regional Cancer Translational Research Grants

Projects will be funded if  aligned to the specific priorities of the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network. These priorities include:

  • Improving cancer outcomes in NSW regional communities that continue to have poorer outcomes, with a focus on achieving equitable outcomes for Aboriginal communities and other groups of people within NSW that are disproportionately affected by cancer
  • Reduce the risk of preventable cancers for people in NSW regional communities
  • Increase one- and five- year survival of regional NSW residents with cancer
  • Increase the collection and use of people’s reported experience and outcomes to improve care and services

The research priorities of this scheme are aligned with the NSW Cancer Plan’s three overriding principles. Preference will be given to supporting projects that seek to address one or more of these research priorities:

  • Equity of outcomes – improve cancer outcomes in communities that continue to have poorer outcomes to help everyone achieve their best health
  • Person-centeredness – focus on the experiences of people with cancer and those accessing screening and prevention services, to ensure they achieve outcomes that are meaningful to them
  • Collaboration – work together at the system, service and care team levels with clear roles, accountabilities and governance, to achieve the best cancer outcomes

Am I eligible to apply?

EOIs are open to researchers and health and medical professionals working in the geographical area covered by the Central Coast, Hunter New England, Mid-North Coast and Northern NSW Local Health Districts. Applicants must be a NSW Regional Cancer Research Network member at the time of submission. Potential applicants can apply to join the network here. Applications led by or including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers are strongly encouraged.

What are the expected reporting requirements and outputs?

Successful applicants will be required to provide:

  • An annual Progress Report and acquittal of funds
  • A presentation of the project at the NSW Cancer Conference
  • Presentation of the project at NSW Regional Cancer Research Network or NSW Regional Health Partners events, if requested


Funds awarded must be used for the sole purpose of carrying out the approved project. Funds awarded cannot be used for payment of the Chief Investigator’s salary and/or any purposes associated with basic (i.e. desk, stationery, phone) or overhead infrastructure costs (i.e. institutional overheads of administrative levies). Funds should not be used to support research conducted outside of the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network footprint. Any amount not expended at the end of the funding period must be returned. 

Who can apply?

  • Chief Investigator (CI) needs to demonstrate that they have the skills, knowledge and support necessary to direct the proposed research and to be actively engaged in carrying the research through to its completion. The CI will need to show appropriate evidence of expertise and experience matched to the nature and context of the research project. CI must be employed within the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network footprint and be a NSW Regional Cancer Research Network member. 
  • Project team members can be other experts from the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network or other organisations. 

How to apply?

All applications must submit an Expression of Interest using the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network online submission platform (email submissions will not be accepted). Successful EOIs will be invited to provide further detail on the proposed project for assessment.

For further enquiries please email

